Our three delegates at the ZONTA Says No walk at the international convention!
ZONTA ZINGS! (June - July - August)
Come join in any time this summer! No rsvp needed!
-Membership Committee (by lastname: Melissa Anderson, Linda Anthony, Michele Atwell, Ann Bieneman, Krista Blaser, Nan Blasy, Pat Blasy, Carole Calvert-Baxter, MariaPia Cohoon, Teresa George, Michele Horstman, Lisa Hulbert, Laura Lee, Linda Lipsitt, April Richards, Eliana Rosen-Fireman, Mara Stewart, Angela Sweebe-Ware, Katie Waddell, Sandy Weimer) June marked the kickoff of the new club year with the installation of the new club officers! Please help us welcome our leadership team of Terri Purchase, President, Krista Blaser, First Vice President and Planning Chair, Corinne Provoast, Second Vice President and Operations Chair, Eliana Rosen-Fireman, Secretary, and Cindy Vickery, Treasurer.
The officers are joined on the board by Cyndi Sauter, Fundraising Chair, Megan Carlson and Rachelle Ferman, Mission Chairs, Michele Horstman and Teresa George, Membership Chairs and Lindsey McMacken, Past President and Nominating Chair. Here's to a great year! |
January 2025