Amelia Earhart ScholarshipThe Amelia Earhart Fellowship program helps talented women, pursuing advanced studies in the typically male-dominated fields of aerospace-related sciences and engineering, achieve their educational goals.
The Young Women in Leadership AwardZonta Young Women in Leadership Award recognizes young women, ages 16-19, for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.
Eligibility Women, aged 16-19 on 1st April each year, living in a Zonta district or who are citizens of a Zonta country, who demonstrate evidence of the following, are eligible to apply.
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business ScholarshipsAwarded annually to women pursuing undergraduate or Master's degrees in business management. Women pursuing a business or business-related degree who demonstrate outstanding potential in the field are eligible. Online students are also eligible.
Service GrantsYou are invited to apply for a grant from the Zonta Club of Midland for up to $1,000. The Club requires that the grant funds be used in programs or for the support of programs that assist women with economic empowerment, in the development of women in leadership or to assist women who are in circumstances of financial need.
Grant applications are now available and must be submitted by February 7th. and grants will be notified in March. Click the link below for the online application. Direct any questions to Maria Cohoon at [email protected]. |