Happy Spring Everyone! You’ll notice in this newsletter we have many different ways you all can be involved with Zonta in the next couple of months. I’m going to focus on the April Auction. Many of you know the auction raises a lot of money for the club, but the impact it has on our members and community is worth all of our efforts! The money raised supports all educational efforts of our members for Zonta related trainings. For current members, registration fees are covered either 50% or 100% depending on funds available for the following:
Delegates attending the events also get reimbursed for travel, lodging, and meals. In the 2018-2019 budget it was voted that money needed to support Advocacy efforts will also come from this fundraiser. We want to educate the public and make sure our Advocacy efforts are sustainable! Ways to help: bring you donations to the next two meetings, bring your checkbook on April 17th, or donate some time to the Ways and Means committee. Our club does amazing things, and I’m looking forward to seeing what we can raise at this year’s auction! Yours in Service, Karla L. Oldenburg, President ADD YOUR VOICE TO EMPOWER WOMEN! All club members are encouraged to attend one of the Spring Workshops presented by District 15. You'll learn about Zonta International, advocacy activities and what's going on around the district as well as meet other enthusiastic members. Though the club is part of Area 2 - you can attend either event, the same materials will be presented. The club will even reimburse your registration fee! Registration is $30 per person and includes lunch. Learn more about Zonta, how to make your club stronger, make new friends and HAVE FUN!
9 a.m. Registration 9:30 a.m. Welcome & Introductions 10 a.m. Governor's Report 10:10 a.m. Lt. Governor's Report 10:30 a.m. How to run an effective meeting 11 a.m. Retention of club members 11:30 a.m. Lunch discussion questions on effective meetings, member retention and advocacy 11:45 a.m. Lunch 12:45 p.m. Website update 1:15 p.m. Advocacy - What and How 2:15 p.m. Q&A 2:30 p.m. - International Conference information 2:45 p.m. Evaluations & Wrap up 3 p.m. Adjourn Paint. Sip. Repeat
Please join us for an afternoon of Canvas Painting, Wine and Fellowship! Where: Studio 154 in Sanford, MI When: Saturday, April 21st, 2018 at 3:00 pm Cost: $30/person & BYOB Includes: All supplies, instruction and food RSVP: By April 13th to Anna Hough - 989-513-0175 Two painting options: March Dinner Meeting Judy Donahue from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will present Equal Pay issues and activities during the March dinner meeting on the 20th. The AAUW of Michigan along with Zonta International District 15 and many other area organizations are members of the Michigan Equal Pay Coalition that organizes the annual Equal Pay Day Rally in Lansing to support legislative efforts towards equal pay. Equal Pay Day Rally April 10th Join fellow Zontians at an Equal Pay Day rally on Tuesday, April 10th. This is a full day event. Zontians can register with the link below and pay $15. Our club members will be reimbursed the $15 from Advocacy committee funds after they attend the rally. Registration begins at 8:30 am and we'll finish up around 3:30 pm. If we have enough people going, we will be looking into carpooling and/or a small bus of sorts to all ride together. We would love as many people to attend as possible! Please wear red!! Local Equal Pay Day Activities
Biggby Coffee and Grounds Coffee will be participating on April 10th and all women will receive 20% off their beverage that day. Checkout some of the auction items below and don't forget to bring your donations to any of the meetings or contact Kristy Bower to arrange pickup.
Zonta Club of Midland, Northwood Golden Z’s, and Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP) hosted an educational seminar on the connection between pornography and sex trafficking. Dan Armstrong, from Covenant Eyes, presented to approximately 65 members of the community for this free event which was held February 28th at the Griswold Auditorium on the campus of Northwood University. The Midland Community Orchestra, under the direction of Gina Provenzano, presented a winter concert on Sunday, March 11 in the Bullock Creek Auditorium. The program featured music by female composers Amy Beach and Linda Robbins Coleman. Before and after the concert Zonta along with Sigma Alpha Iota, a woman’s music fraternity, AAUW (American Association of University Women), Girl Scouts, PEO International (Philanthropic Education Organization), and League of Women Voters provided displays and information in the lobby promoting their activities. Zonta members Lisa Hulbert, Maureen Acker and Julie Dopp shared information on our service and advocacy programs and club membership. Now available in the member portal - business meeting documents! Agendas, minutes, etc, all for easy access. We'll be adding in documents from the last year or two so you can have them at your fingertips. The proposed 2018-19 club budget was presented during the March business meeting with several highlights noted:
November 2024