Zonta Club of Midland members gathered at their January meeting to pack 200 Clean Birth Kits in partnership with the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia (BKFA). Birthing Kits are an internationally accepted intervention to support a clean birth. Each item in the BKFA Birthing Kit works to reduce infections at key high-risk moments of care during labor, birth and immediately post-birth for the mother, newborn and birth attendant. Each kit includes plastic sheeting, gloves, cord ties, gauze, soap and a sterile blade.
BKFA has supplied, 2.8 million Clean Birth Kits to women in need. Kits are given to mothers through community outreach programs, supplied to health facilities for use by doctors, midwives and nurses or distributed to traditional birthing attendants. They are designed to support hygienic practices and environments during childbirth in under-resourced settings. Kits are distributed throughout Asia, Africa, The Pacific and The Caribbean. “I participated in a birthing kit packing event at the Zonta International convention in Australia last June and new that this would be a great event to bring back to our club in Midland,” said Krista Blaser, Zonta Club of Midland Vice President. “By working together, we have impacted the lives of 200 mothers and their babies.” Prior to the meeting members also enjoyed beautiful music provided by members Mara Stewart and Megan Carlsen! Tonight at Zonta, we had a relaxing meeting and all shared one thing we are deeply grateful for in our life.
We also had Chef Ann and Helena from The Menu Manager perform a demonstration on making seasoned olive oil and dinner rolls. Menu Manager also catered the meal and it was delicous! We do a lot of serious work in Zonta, having an evening to catch up with our Zisters and enjoy some entertainment is much needed! At our November Zonta lunch meeting, we had our Area 2 District representative there to speak on Zonta Internationals scholarships and how funds are allocated to support women and girls across the globe!
We also heard from the various committees from the club. Hear what Mission Committee had planned coming up!! Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women Campaign November 25- December 10th Active planned: 🤍 billboard up on US-10 showcase Zonta Says NO 🤍Orange Lady Dolls, named Julie, after a member’s niece who was raped, murdered, and thrown into a canal in Belgium. Julie dolls will be placed in stores throughout Midland with a QR code to learn more about Zonta Says NO and Julie’s story. 🤍 daily Facebook posts to educate on gender based violence locally and internationally during the 16 day campaign 🤍 Golden Z at Northwood University is hosting a self defense class and ordering coasters that detect the date rape drug to pass out on campus and local bars 🤍Canned food drive to replenish the Open Door shelter Our Fundraising Committee is gearing up for our Zonta Homewalk! Our biggest fundraising event for scholarships and grants! Lots of things happening! Be on the look out in the newspaper, social media, and local stores!
Welcome to our three newest members Susan Williams, Maggie Mayes, and Lisa Benter-Rich who were inducted into the club at our business meeting on Tuesday! We look forward to making the world a better place together with you!
Members also picked up their Homewalk tickets on Tuesday so now's the time to get yours! We have 5 fabulous houses that you are going to want to see, they will be open December 7th & 8th! Need help finding a member? Leave a comment or message us! We had our first Fall meeting yesterday and it was so great to see everyone back after a little summer break! We heard from our President, Terri Purchase, our 1st VP, Krista Yvonne Blaser, and our trusty Treasurer, Cindy Vickery speak about their experience in Australia at the International Convention!
We also recognized and thanked past president and former member Wendy Kanar for her many years of support for the club's spring auction. Did you know Zonta is in 63 different countries? Our tag line is to Build a Better World for Women and Girls. Locally we do all sorts of projects and give away scholarships and grants and internationally we continue to work on ending child marriage, educating girls in Madagascar on climate change, working on website to educate girls on reproductive responsibility and health in countries they are not educated on their bodies. We have great things happening here in Midland and it will be an exciting year! Our three delegates at the ZONTA Says No walk at the international convention!
ZONTA ZINGS! (June - July - August)
Come join in any time this summer! No rsvp needed!
-Membership Committee (by lastname: Melissa Anderson, Linda Anthony, Michele Atwell, Ann Bieneman, Krista Blaser, Nan Blasy, Pat Blasy, Carole Calvert-Baxter, MariaPia Cohoon, Teresa George, Michele Horstman, Lisa Hulbert, Laura Lee, Linda Lipsitt, April Richards, Eliana Rosen-Fireman, Mara Stewart, Angela Sweebe-Ware, Katie Waddell, Sandy Weimer) June marked the kickoff of the new club year with the installation of the new club officers! Please help us welcome our leadership team of Terri Purchase, President, Krista Blaser, First Vice President and Planning Chair, Corinne Provoast, Second Vice President and Operations Chair, Eliana Rosen-Fireman, Secretary, and Cindy Vickery, Treasurer.
The officers are joined on the board by Cyndi Sauter, Fundraising Chair, Megan Carlson and Rachelle Ferman, Mission Chairs, Michele Horstman and Teresa George, Membership Chairs and Lindsey McMacken, Past President and Nominating Chair. Here's to a great year! The Zonta Club of Midland recently awarded $11,500 in service grants to local non-profits for programs benefiting women and girls in our community. The following agencies and programs were supported.
Together we can build a better world for women and girls. The Zonta Club of Midland congratulates Laura Kent, Baleigh Johnson, and Stephanie VonFintel for receiving $5,000 each in scholarships from the club. We wish you success in your efforts and your new career paths! It was a joy to meet you and hear about your plans for the future!
The Zonta Club of Midland May Dinner meeting is always special because we review all that we have accomplished for the year. Here are the highlights!
Thank you to everyone who has supported Zonta and the Zonta Homewalk that provides the funding for the scholarships and service grants! During a recent meeting the Zonta Club of Midland recognized Greystone Homes for their continued generous support of the Zonta Homewalk. Thank you, Kelly Wall, for your many years of support, we look forward to many more!
A very successful Auction last night!! Thank you all who donated, helped assemble and most importantly bid high at the auction!!
We also celebrated one of our Golden Z’s who is graduating from Northwood this spring! |
January 2025