Hello Zontians!
I hope everyone remembered it was Daylight Savings last night! It's easier with cell phones that automatically update! Thank you to all who were able to come to the Business Meeting! We had the pleasure of going thru the proposed budget. Please see the link to the proposed 2024-2025 budget. We will be voting on Tuesday, April 2. We have one ZING coming up this week!! March 14, we will be meeting at MIDLAND CENTER FOR THE ARTS! Please RSVP to NORA STRAIT ([email protected]) Here are upcoming dates for you! MARCH 12, 2024 (MISSION MEETING) - Grape Beginnings, 5:30 pm MARCH 12, 2024 (OPERATIONS MEETING) - Grape Beginnings, 5:30 pm MARCH 14, 2024 (ZING) - Pendulum Lounge, 4:30 - 8:00 pm (come and go as you are able) Please RSVP to NORA STRAIT ([email protected]) PERFOMER: David Paul Britton Music is a mix of pop hits, classics, Motown, country, blues and jazz No cost to attend! Snacks and drinks available for purchase MARCH 19, 2024 (Dinner) - Midland Country Club 6:00 pm (icebreaker starts at 5:30 pm). DOW GARDENS - Flower Arranging event! Carolynn Paten is coming back to do a flower arranging demonstration! There is an opportunity for you to bring home an arrangement for $10. Please let Terri Purchase know if you would like an arrangement! We have to let Carolynn know as soon as possible. MARCH 26, 2024 (Board Meeting) - Grape Beginnings, 5:30 pm APRIL 2, 2024 (Lunch) - FUN Budget vote, present slate of officers APRIL 12, 2024 (ZING!) - Northwood Fashion Show, 7:00 pm Hach Student Center (More Info to come) APRIL 16, 2024 (Dinner) - Auction! (More info below) MAY 7, 2024 (Lunch) - Vote on board & bylaws nominations GIVING: TBD MAY 21, 2024 (Dinner) - Homeowners, Scholarship/Grant Recip's GIVING: TBD JUNE 4, 2024 (Lunch) - Board Induction Reminder, if you can please RSVP (yes or no) the Friday before each meeting, that would be helpful!! You don't have to wait for the email to come out either, you can RSVP whenever you know if you will or will not be able to join! Just email [email protected] If anyone would like to become a committee chair at some point in the future, please reach out to the current committee chair, there are opportunities to learn and grow to be chairs. Being a chair is a great way to get to know others better! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! If you have anything you'd like to share, or if you need any help, please let me know! Lindsey McMacken [email protected] (574) 370-6266 ZONTA AUCTION The purpose of the April Auction is to raise funds for two things; educational opportunities for members and advocacy activities. With the funds, the club is able to send out delagates for district conferences and internationals conventions. This inlcudes registration fees and travel expenses. The club will reimburse registration fees for any and all members who attend the Fall Conference, Spring Workshop, Covernors Summit and International Convention and the North America International District Meeting (NAIDM). The auction is a fun night for members and friends! This year's auction will focus on fun activities and services that members can provide for members! Also, this year we are bringing back donations! If you have anything in your house you think would be great in a basket, please bring the items to the next meeting! Or, contact Lindsey McMacken and we can arrange a pickup! For experiences, please think about what you like to do and think others might be interested in too! Here are some ideas: Cook a meal, cheesecake, break or soup! Offer to paint a room, clean a closet, weed the garden. The goal is to raise $5,000 - $6,000! LINKS SECTION: Zonta Information Sheet Zonta Club Budget Approval 2024-2025 Zonta Club of Midland Zonta Club of Midland Facebook page Zonta Club of Midland Networking page (private) Zonta District 15 Zonta International |
November 2024