During the May meeting the club recognized scholarship award winners, Homewalk supporters including homeowners, decorators and sponsors as well as members celebrating membership anniversaries and reflected on a great year of service.
Through the generous support of the community, sponsors, and homeowners five women were awarded scholarships of $2000 each. Two of the winners, Audra Johnson and Arielle Buckley were able to attend the meeting and share with everyone their vision for their future and what the scholarship means to them. Audra, a second year scholarship winner is working toward her Masters in Public Administration at CMU with focus on non-profit organizations. She began her non-profit career at Shelterhouse where she fell in love with the non-profit world and elected to return for the advanced degree. She is currently working for the 1016 Recovery Network and her goal is to become a director of a non-profit. A rising Junior at MSU, Arielle is pursuing a degree in neuroscience and plans to continue on for a PhD and pursue her passion for research. The other scholarship winners are Chelsea Sauve, Brynn Rhode and Johanna Hooper. Brynn and Johanna were away at school and Chelsea was due any day with her second child. Chelsea is a teacher at MPS working on her masters at CMU. In addition to scholarships, the club provided $12,000 in grants to area organizations for activities and projects that benefit women and girls in the Midland area. The money for scholarships and grants are all raised through Homewalk - a huge thank you to everyone who attended and supported the event. Club President Karla Oldenburg, in one of her last official duties in that role recognized members for 5, 10, 15 and 40 years of service: 5 year Megan Farrell Melinda Gall Karla Oldenburg Cinthia Brooks Kim Walden Jennifer Chappel 10 year Maureen Acker Rhonda Anderson 15 year Julie Ratcliff 40 year! Nancy Barker Comments are closed.
January 2025